tisdag 21 april 2015

Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Royal Botanic Gardens

Hi readers! Regrettably I haven't kept my promise about blogging more frequently but I hope you all can forgive me! Monday was my lazy day because of the jetlag I had, so I only did things such as sleeping, watching tv, eating and going down to the market. Tuesday and Wednesday were the days where things actually happened and you'll get to hear about that in a second. I also got a new friend called Abigail and she's staying at the same hotel as me! Abigail is orginally Australian but she's visiting Sydney so that's why she's staying at this hotel. Anyway, during this day I've visited so many places and gotten so much closer with the australian culture (primarily the australian food ^_^). So what have I done exactly?

Day 2 - Tuesday

After a good night sleep I was all prepared to explore the city. When I was done with my morning routine and breakfast, I met up with Abigail and we immediately took the bus to visit the world-famous Sydney Harbour Bridge. The purpose was of course to take pictures and see the bridge live, but we had also planned to do some bridge climbing. Oh my it was so scary!! Even if I don't have a fear of heights I was so anxious about the fact that I might fall (I was obviously secured), but it all went well in the end. And the view was magnificent up there. Australia has loads of skyscrapers compared to Sweden which made the view just thrilling.
                                                     Just look at the view, so breathtaking!

After the bridge climbing we decided to go to the Opera House as well since it was located nearby and my expectations were once again exceeded. WOW! Just by scrolling down Google pictures of the Opera house my jaw was already dropped so imagine my face expression when I actually saw it in reality... After taking a couple of pictures (okay actually around 100) we strolled down the park to find something to eat and we really did! While walking we're encountered by a barbeque-stall, or what the australians call it "barbie". I found out that this kind of barbeque was one of the most popular and typical australian food so I was more than excited to try it. We sat at the outdoor-seating waiting for the food to arrive and I chose a burger with tomato and barbeque sause while Abigail picked sausages with bearnaise sause. I think that my taste buds were still settling down in the australian surrounding because I didn't really like the food. Pity, but as everyone says "Never judge a book by its cover" so I should try more australian food before giving my opinion :) I was fascinated by the difference that you bascially can see 20 different food-stalls just by looking down the street. In Sweden, or more exactly in Nyköping you can rarely see any food-stalls on the streets on the daily-basis which in my opinion is sad. After an hour of eating we decided to head back home because we didn't want to put to much pressure on our feet and we also wanted to do some more sightseeing tomorrow.
Next morning, we ate breakfast as usually and then we went down to the market to buy some fruits and sandwiches. I'm being so ambiguous right now but we had planned to have a picknick so that's why we bought those things.
Abigail wanted us to eat atthe Royal Botanic Gardens because she considered it the most beautiful gardens she has ever seen in her lifetime. Sounded nice to me so I approved, and I was not disappointed. Firstly, there is a kind of long pathway you have to go before entering the Royal Botanic Gardens but it will all be worth it when you've arrived. It's glorious, delightful and full of ponds with the skyscrapers in the backround. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? We sat down at a bench and even though we planned to eat all the food we bought, we ended up using half of it to feed the ducks (they're sooo cute!). From early morning to late afternoon, we spent our time being in the botanical gardens doing things such as feeding ducks, walking around and take pictures and also trying out jet boating (which I recommend you all to try because it was surealy one of the mest moments of my life).

Even though we wanted to keep strolling down the australian parks and do some more sightseeing, our legs resisted. We took our tiredness as a hint for us to take the bus back home and when we came home I literally fell asleep at the floor in my hotelroom. For dinner I decided to buy some take-away food and then I think that I will sleep for a bunch of hours because more adventures are waiting tomorrow.

As for now, goodnight and thank you for following me through this journey! // Angelica

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